
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Turn Off, Tune Out, Drop By
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
With a nod to Timothy Leary, we think it must be time to go some other direction. But which one? The Apres Post Modern approach would be to shrug and say it doesn't matter. But it does matter.
With that in mind, maybe it's time to pull off the road.
The Roadside Attraction is just ahead.

Monday Feb 18, 2019
Wake Up, Wake Up, Wake Up You Sleepyhead - 1-13-19
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Smart, tough, passionate, authentic...Listen to Khrys Blank for more details.
Sometimes Sharon Lane is a hurricane force. Here she shows an easy touch. Windsor Knotts has a new take on an old classic and it delivers the message. Matt Byanski and Red Baumgardner (Mini Bingo) front the Roadside Attraction band of Rich Reuter, Eric Reith, and Marceia Cornwell. Hannah Peterangelo jumped on stage too. Dimmy Jean has bad advice for dinner guests. Paula Unrau mulls over big ideas and Scott Millsop learns that something that should have happened did not happen. Mark Jeffers and Molly Millsop walk us around in circles. You might wind up right back where you started but if you think you're the same you're not paying attention.
You should also check out LiveAtYellowCab.podbean.com for more from Sharon Lane.

Monday Feb 18, 2019
Move Along, Keep Movin' - 2-10-19
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Matt Byanski was watching the stage and he said "That right there is something rare". He was referring to Tod Weidner who was playing his Live at Yellow Cab set. "There are not very many people that can command the stage like that all by themselves....with an electric guitar." You won't get an argument from anyone who was there. But damn, Tod is heading for the coast and we will miss him.
Tod played something very tasty with the Roadside Band too. This was a night - and this is a podcast - full of highs. Khrys Blank growled out a gutsy remembrance and Matt delivered a powerful vocal, backed by the full band including Eric Reith, Bryan Lakotos, Red Baumgardner and the guitar shapeshifter Rich Reuter. The SpokenWordWorks portion of the evening was not to be outdone either. Scott Millsop delivered a Dimmy Jean bit we're still talking about and a Charlieville Report that drew an audible gasp of recognition from the audience. Bill Mooney turned 75 and gave us a moving moment in a poem. Paula Unrau read a work of her poetry that contained the marvelous line "the howl of adolescence at full moon cry". Listen for that.
We're also offering more details on Weigards Hypothesis regarding resonance between parallel universes. See Molly Millsop and Mark Jeffers for details.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
March Madness Takes Its Toll - 3-10-2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Roadside Attraction is an American thing. And for most of America, March is a grim, soggy, temperature fluxing annoyance. That's why we had to invent March Madness. For fans the basketball tournament is everything that March is not. It's thrilling, captivating, exhilerating, heartbreaking, thought provoking and memorable. For fans of the final team, it's the thrill of a lifetime and when it's all over.....it's spring!
Georgia Goad has a voice like that first spring day. She's our guest. Kyleen Downs joined the Roadside Band on lead guitar, and she can make a great tone. Marceia Cornwell found a lowdown groove with guest drummer Don Winegar. Matt Byanski and Red Baumgardener delivered a big duet. Hanna Peterangelo, as always, conjures up another American place with sweet women in independent stances. Paschal DeAloia joined Scott Millsop in Charlieville for a discussion of drinking and driving. Dimmy Jean Products announced a new company. Paula Unrau delivered a thoughtful take on metaphorical landscapes. The poet Bill Mooney left us with a lovely image of a cello at sea.
Give it all a listen. You'll have more than one experience.

Thursday Apr 25, 2019
But It DOES Matter
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
The Attraction is really strong in April. It's whimsical for a moment and philosophical for a time. The music can be comedy, but it can also rock and it can ask questions. It visits the Philippines then takes a blues break. Maybe the important thing is that - despite the mad havoc of the moment - we stand firm on affirmation. Dammit, it DOES Matter.

Friday May 24, 2019
Contents Under Pressure: Do Not Puncture or Incinerate
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
The last thing said at the end of the each show is "Roadside Attraction is an AHA! Production". The producer, Scott Millsop, who is also both the Dimmy Jean character and the writer/performer of the Charlieville Report will tell you that the mission of the program is to create a series of AHA! moments. We sure did it this time.
This show is a series of powerful performances. If you follow this show, you'll know it doesn't let up. If you're new with this episode, well here's a case in point. You have to pay attention, this is foreground sound.
Paige Beller switches time and tone and temperament and thought and DAMN! You wanna hear this! All of it.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
I Like it Like That
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
The 2000 lb. Groundhog usually maintains a semblance of order at Roadside Attraction but she was on vacation for this show. Sharon Lane stepped in as a replacement but instead of managing the zoo, she opened all the cages. John Dubuc's Guilty Pleasures were the guest band and they sang "Peace, Love and Hamburger Helper", then Scott Millsop's story was called "Hamburgers" and it took five voices to perform it. Matt, Red, Erich, Rich, Marceia, & Don offered a heart-breaker. Dimmy Jean should be arrested for his bit. Sharon said goodbye to Dr. John. We all said goodbye to Rich Reuter. Rich didn't die, he's just taking a break from playing seven days a week. We think we'll see him again, which is good because he did something beautiful on guitar while Erich put down a hepcat beat behind Bill Mooney's poem and dig this, everyone rolled with The Name of the Place Is I Like it Like That.

Friday Jul 19, 2019
All in a Day
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Mid-Summer. 100 Million People Under a Heat Advisory.
Here, have a PassionFruit Vodka Smoothie.
The music, the satire, the poetry, the commentary...they're smooth too.

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Spooky Actions at a Distance
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
OK, here's the deal. If you have two entangled particles and make a state change to one of them, the other will change states simultaneously. Even if they are separated, the change is simultaneous. Even if they are so far apart that information about the change would have to exceed the speed of light to achieve simultaneity, the change is simultaneous. Einstein called that "Spooky Action at a Distance". We invite you to think about that for the rest of your life, or if you'd rather you can hear wisdoms from a 2000 lb. Groundhog, music from The American Landscape and Mini Bingo, poetry from Bill Mooney and Joe Kreiss. You can begin at the beginning with Chapter One from "The Last Summer Ball at the Cosmos" a novel in progress from Scott Millsop, who also doubles as Dimmy Jean.

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Conferring with the Flowers, Consulting with the Rain
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
For most of us music and literature types, December is a time to avoid nature and the great outdoors. We mostly prefer fires, comforters, hot chocolate and that sort of thing. But we thought we'd take a moment to consider wildflowers in winter. The Roadside Hobo Band does just that. The women's voices in Vivian can blend beautifully. Visit the Live at Yellow Cab site to hear that. Marceia Cornwell borrows Hanna Peterangelo from Vivian to join him on violin. Dimmy has a product to cure anxiety. Bill Mooney spoke of windows on the soul and on the world. Maynard Beverly hit the road in Chapter Two of Scott Millsop's "The Last Summer Ball at the Cosmos".